Monday, August 21, 2006

Coffee Time: Do You Want Crack With That?

I don't buy drugs, but if I did, I'd go to Coffee Time Donuts in Toronto, where every degenerate and n'er do well seems to spend his day. Until Pastor McGuinty brought nicotine prohibition to Ontario, the Coffee Time in Bloor West Village had a smoking room where solitary men would hack spittle into their coffee while blue smoke leaked through the partition. At night, the Coffee Time at Dupont and Lansdowne is a haven for junkies, hookers, and applicants to the local crack syndicate. A friend of mine was once assaulted by a couple of skin-heads outside the franchise at Bay and Gerrard. How did Coffee Time develop such a strong brand loyalty among the down and out?


Road Hammer said...

For years, the one at King and Victoria in Kitchener was also known as somewhere to be avoided for the same reasons you outline above.

Anonymous said...

When I moved to Toronto, circa June 2000, the town was lousy with Coffee Time's. There were no Tim Horton's downtown, only Coffee Slimes.

They were all the same. There was always at least one bum present, they were filled with smokers, and most importantly, there were never any doughnuts available. Seriously, go into any Coffee Time and you will see maybe 2 doughnuts for sale.

Acton said...

good morning! Just surfin' by...this is interesting! My sister always calls coffee smack. Maybe there's something to that:)

Anonymous said...

The Ottawa equivelant would be Baker's Dozen, only found in Vanier and Barrhaven I believe.