Monday, February 26, 2007

The Omniscient Webber

Gambling is a degenerate habit, but the CFO, the Webber, and I have traditionally wagered dinner on Academy Award picks. Suffice it to say, the Webber, the king of prognosticators (he did not forecast that Stockwell Day would be Prime Minister, as I did), basically swept every single category in the Super Bowl for Women, including those for "sound mixing" and "short animated feature filmed in an 8000 year-old language." I think he should have to take a urine test or at least give me a ride in his time machine.


Anonymous said...

I've never heard them described as the superbowl for women. NICE.

David said...

It's the only event for which women get together over chips and dip, (willingly) enter gambling pools, and watch Oprah dissect the action the the day after using a telestrator.

Road Hammer said...


Road Hammer said...

Pretty fancy, Dave. I certainly hope we shouldn't expect the Parking Lot to get excited about Liz Taylor's birthday and celebrate over a fondue, now.

David said...

You never know... I may become desperate for original material.